Add Exuberance and Motivation to your Event with a Standup Comedian

Clint paddison01These days, standup comedians and keynote speaker are in great demand for corporate events. They spread dynamic thoughts and viewpoints amongst the audience with a touch of exuberance. Whether it is an inaugural awards night or company end-of-year function, standup comedians are called to set an uplifting tone of the event. With the wealth of comedians available in Sydney, it becomes overwhelming to select the one without undertaking a risk that they may be unsuitable, offensive or simply not relatable to your audience.  Usually, those with 10+ years of experience and impeccable track records as corporate event specialists handle the job the best.

Comedians can be hired to perform a 30-min Stand-Up spot, or they can be incorporated as an MC for the whole evening. There are benefits for both scenarios.

Using a comedian to perform a 20-30min comedy spot allows them to stick to their strength – delivering their prepared work in a solid set the way it has been written, honed and repeated many times. In addition, an audience is attentive knowing that there is an ‘act’ going on and the audience will tend to sit back and enjoy. The comedian is in his/her natural state and the audience ‘gets’ it.

An alternative is to use the comedian to host the evening. This is usually preferred for a cost-effective point of view, since if a business is looking to hire a comedian in Sydney to perform at a function will often see the benefit in having them host the night ‘for free’ (or only a smaller additional charge). This is excellent in theory, but the client must choose wisely when hiring the appropriate comedian for this role since many stand-up performers have little to no experience in a professional MC role. It may be one thing to do a prepared 30-min routine, but it’s quite another to maintain the professionalism and convey the prestigiousness of some major corporate events for an entire evening. Finally, it can often be difficult for some stand-up comedians to transition to their comedy set when they are working their way through a very detailed agenda – so their effectiveness at getting laughs my be diminished by their split role on the evening.

On the whole, choosing a stand up comedian to perform at a company event, or host the company event, is normally a very good move. Everyone loves a laugh and it can break up some serious, monotonous evenings very effectively.